n.dak., n.d. 뜻
- phrase, North Dakota
- n.d.: phrase, no date, no delivery, not dated
- d, n,: phrase, Daily News D/N x, debit note차변표 d-n v, =DAMN
- d-n: v, =DAMN D, N, x, Daily News D/N x, debit note차변표
- d/n: phrase, debit note차변표 D, N, x, Daily News d-n v, =DAMN
- n.a.s.d: phrase, National Amalgamated Stevedores and Dockers, National Association of Security Dealers
- c.n.d.: phrase, Campaign for Nuclear Didarmament
- dôn: 돈 (웨일스 신화)
- dún laoghaire: 던레러
- děčín: 데친 데친
- i.d.n.: phrase, in dei nomine
- i.n.d.: phrase, 하느님의 이름으로
- n.d.c.: phrase, national defence contribution
- n.e.d., ned: phrase, New English Dictionary
- n.e.d.c.: phrase, (영)National Economic Development Council
- n.o.d.: phrase, Naval Ordnance Department